We are currently enrolled in the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement! (CWELCC)
We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe in our program.
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Our regular hours of operation are from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
Your Child Is in Great Hands

Operating Hours
McNicoll Avenue Child Care Program operates
7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.
The centre is closed on all statutory holidays and annually for the last two full weeks of August.
McNicoll Avenue is a child care centre that values learning through play; we employ an emergent, child-centred curriculum that is inspired by children’s emerging skills, interests, and natural curiosities. We believe that play is an active form of learning that unites the mind, body, and spirit; through it, children learn to express themselves, use their creativity, work together, as well as develop their imagination, dexterity, physical capability, cognition, and self-regulation. Play is an integral component to healthy brain development as it relieves stress, increases happiness, builds problem-solving and social skills, competencies, and supports a positive learning disposition. A strong foundation in the early years sets our children up for success, both in Kindergarten and as lifelong learners.
Risky Play
Facilitating “risky play” is important for a child’s development. Risky play creates opportunities for children to learn the strengths and limits of their bodies and gain trust in themselves and their unique capabilities. It allows children to engage in decision making and problem solving, which are foundational components of developing positive social, emotional, cognitive, and physical skills. MACCP’s educators foster the children’s outdoor play by taking a balanced approach to risk and safety.
McNicoll recognizes that bumps, scrapes, and bruises are a typical and necessary part of childhood; they are evidence of development, growth, and children’s increasing confidence in their own abilities, and not evidence of a lack of supervision. As we come to know each child, we can see what they are physically capable of doing and allow them to test their limits by engaging in thrilling and exciting play such as climbing up the slide, balancing on tree stumps, exploring various speeds using tricycles, and jumping from different heights. Risky play keeps children active, and builds confidence, autonomy, resilience, and physical skills.
Health & Safety
MACCP is continuing to follow regular health and safety procedures in accordance with The Ministry of Education Provincial Guidance and Toronto Public Health.
As such, in-person tours have been limited to families whose child is about to come into care.
Masks are optional for any children, staff, and visitors that enter our facilities. We do ask that you monitor your child/yourself for any symptoms of ill health and expect that you do not enter the centre if you have any new or worsening symptoms.
Children will be sent home immediately if any symptoms develop while in care, and COVID-19 infection prevention procedures will be followed in accordance with the relevant legislation.
We trust that all of our current and prospective families understand the importance of each one of us following all of our safety protocols diligently and in their entirety to ensure the health and safety of all of our children, families, and staff.
HEPA Air Purifiers
Each classroom, office and staff room at McNicoll is equipped with a HEPA Air Purifier to help purify the air. These filters efficiently remove a wide range of airborne pollutants and allergens, including dust, pollen, chemicals and gases as well as filters viruses and bacteria. An added step of protection for our children and staff.

All of our full-time, classroom teachers are Registered Early Childhood Educators and offer many years of experience and expertise in the child care and education field. Additionally, our staff are required to maintain clear Vulnerable Sector Screenings, current First Aid/CPR C certifications, and continually upgrade their skills through ongoing professional development opportunities.

We're using Lillio (formerly known as HiMama)!
HiMama is an online communication tool where a child’s milestones and activities are recorded by our educators to document activities and updates of your child’s day. Everything from naps to snacks, it will provide you with a complete history of your child's experience in our program with photos stored safely and securely in a journal format.
You will receive updates on your child’s activities to your email and smartphone each day.
All of our meals and snacks are prepared daily in-house by our cook. Our menus are reviewed by a registered dietitian to ensure that they meet the nutritional requirements for child care programs in Ontario.
Our menu items are low in sugar and salt, and are pork-
free and peanut/nut-free.
Board of Directors
McNicoll Avenue Child Care is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors which is comprised of parents, the Executive Director and community members. The Board meets once a month to review the past month’s business and make plans for the future. This process ensures that the objectives of the program are being met, as well as giving the Board and Executive Director an opportunity to discuss matters. Board Members usually serve a two (2) year term. They are elected from parents of children in the programs and community members. Elections are held at the Annual General Meeting. The officers of the Board include a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Parents are also welcome to join as committee members.